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Merch Launch Guide
Updated over 11 months ago

Now that you’re set up with Flaviar Checkout's merch integration, see below for an overview of everything you need to know to manage your Flaviar Checkout products. For a thorough review of our merch fulfillment guidelines, please reference (and save) our fulfillment policies.

  • Orders

  • Product Setup, Content Edits, and Inventory Management

  • Discount Codes

  • Order Emails

  • Payments


Regardless of your fulfillment method, all brands selling merch will be setup with a fulfillment account to receive revenue and manage orders. This fulfillment account will be under a different email than the one used to setup your Brand account.

Management of merchandise orders (e.g. updating order status, creating shipping labels, etc.) must be handled using one of the following methods:

*If using options #3 or #4, when dealing with orders that include both non-alcohol and alcohol products, you or your fulfillment partner must wait until orders are split before fulfilling them. This is because orders with alcohol must flow into Flaviar Checkout first for both compliance and technical reasons before they are split into their alcohol and non-alcohol sub-orders - you can read more about these combined orders below.

Product Setup, Content Edits, & Inventory Management

New Products

All new products must be set up in Flaviar Checkout first. From there, Flaviar Checkout will review the product and sync it with your Shopify store.

Note: Product content and inventory management will be handled in Shopify. With exception to product names and photos, you can disregard content and inventory fields when adding products in Flaviar Checkout unless you want information applied to a Mash&Grape listing for your product.

Important Note: Uploading & going live with a product in Shopify before having it approved in Flaviar Checkout will result in fulfillment delays for your customers & payout delays for you. We require all products to be uploaded and approved in Flaviar Checkout before you can go live with them.

Editing Product Content

Unless you're using Buy Buttons, product content for your website will be fully managed in your Shopify. To make content edits to a product, go to its product page in your Shopify.

If you are using Buy Buttons, use Flaviar Checkout to make any updates to product names and photos.

Managing Product Inventory

By default, your products will be set up to have 0 inventory assigned to your location in Shopify. In order to make a product in stock, you must assign inventory counts to your items once the product has been synced by a Flaviar Checkout team member.

If you want to set specific inventory limits so that your product will sell out upon depletion, you can manage this in Shopify on each product’s page - specifically in the Variants section. ( See here for Shopify’s guide to managing inventory.)

To have a product marked as sold out before inventory is depleted, ensure that inventory is 0 and that Continue selling when out of stock is unchecked. (Conversely, if you are wondering why a product of yours is "sold out", check the product's settings in Shopify to see if Continue selling when out of stock is unchecked.)

To have a product removed from customer view completely, remove the Online Store channel via the Sales Channels and Apps section on each product page.

For all products in your Shopify, the following settings must not be adjusted in order to keep the Shopify-Flaviar Checkout connection working as intended:

  • Flaviar Checkout inventory location

  • SKU numbers

Discount Codes

Discount codes can be created directly in your Shopify store by navigating to the Discounts tab on the left hand menu. ( See here for Shopify’s guide to discounts.)

When creating a discount code, always select Flaviar Checkout as a sales channel.

Charges for the incurred costs of your discount codes will continue to be billed back to you via your Flaviar Checkout account on a weekly basis.

Order Emails

By default, customers will receive Shopify’s standard order notification emails. You can customize these emails if you choose to. To do so, go to Settings →Notifications. ( See here for Shopify’s guide to editing notification templates.)

By default, your store’s order emails will be sent from [email protected] so that customers have the quickest path to a resolution when they have order questions or issues. For more about customer support handling, see our article Customer Support Handling for Shopify Stores.

We strongly recommend keeping [email protected] as the reply-to email for all order emails, while using your preferred brand email for marketing emails. Changing this email will likely delay resolutions for customer issues and risk a negative customer experience with your store.


Payment for each order is delivered to your Stripe account that we set up during onboarding. Payouts should take place 1-2 business days after an order is placed. If you are noticing delays with your payouts please reach out to us right away at [email protected]

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