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Merch Fulfillment Guide
Updated over 4 months ago

In this guide, you will learn...

  1. How to fulfill using Flaviar Checkout (recommended) & Flaviar Checkout best practices

  2. How to fulfill in Shopify & Shopify best practices

Fulfilling your merch in Flaviar Checkout

The instructions below are assuming you've already connected a shipping account or plan on manually entering fulfillment information, see below for how to fulfill merch for your brand. If you haven't already done so, see here for how to connect a Fedex or UPS shipping account in your Flaviar Checkout settings.

1. Log into your Flaviar Checkout fulfillment account at

2. Go to your order listing page

3. Find the order you are ready to fulfill and check the order using the box on the left hand side of the order listing Pro Tip: You can select multiple orders at once to speed up the fulfillment process

4. In the top right hand corner open the actions drop down > select 'create label'

5. You'll see a popup prompting you to fill in the shipping information Your ship from address will be auto-populated Shipping Account: If you have one connected, you can select it from the drop down > Click Save > Contains Alcohol: Make sure this is 'NO' > Click Create Label

Fulfilling your merch in Flaviar Checkout - Manual Fulfillment

Use this if you are generating tracking labels outside of Flaviar Checkout

1. Log into your Flaviar Checkout fulfillment account at

2. Go to your order listing page

3. Find the order you are ready to fulfill and scroll all the way to the left > click on the three dots

4. Open up the "manual fulfillment" form and fill out the information

5. Click Save

The order will remain in "printed" status until it's been scanned or updated by the carrier.

Flaviar Checkout Best Practices

  • You can easily filter by order status using the 'Status' filter on the top of the page. An 'open' order means it has not been fulfilled yet. A closed order means you have shipped the order.

  • If an order has '-R' at the end, this means this is a reshipment of an order. The original order can be found by searching for the order number minus the '-R'

  • Our support team will update the status of damaged, missing items, returned orders, etc. No need to action these unless we specifically reach out to you.

  • You can sort by fulfillment status, order status, order age, status age, etc., by clicking on the column in your order dashboard.

  • If you are locally delivering an item you can mark the order fulfilled by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the order listing > Create Manual Fulfillment > Type = local delivery.

Fulfilling your merch in Shopify

1. Log into your Shopify account

2. Go to your order listing page

3. Find the unfulfilled order with your merch

4. Click on 'fulfill order' or 'create shipping label' (whichever is more applicable to your process)

5A. If the order is combined with alcohol you must do the following:

  • Make sure the tag 'Barcart split' is on the order (if the tag is not there and it has been more than 1 business day since the order was placed, please let email us at [email protected] to let us know)

  • Assuming the tag has been added by our team and you are ready to fulfill... You must make sure you are ONLY fulfilling the non-alcohol item in the order (make sure there is a 0 next to the alcohol - this tells Shopify you are not fulfilling the alcohol.) In this screenshot the yellow highlight is the merchandise and the green product is the alcohol:

5B. If the order only contains merch, you are free to fulfill all items in the order

6. Enter tracking number, shipping carrier, and tracking URL generated from the shipping carrier's site.

7. Click on send shipment details to customers.

8. Fulfill the item(s)

9. The customer will get an email letting them know these items are on the way!

If you wish to generate tracking labels directly in your Shopify store, please consult with the Flaviar Checkout team first as we may need to update your billing settings first.

Shopify Best Practices

  • Orders with merch and alcohol must have a flaviar_checkout_split tag applied to the order before you can fulfill the merch

    • Failing to wait will result in the entire order being marked as closed in Flaviar Checkout and the customer will not receive the spirit in their order without contacting us, resulting in a negative experience for your customer.

      • We'd recommend setting up a view in Shopify in order to automatically separate out all unfulfilled/partially fulfilled orders with the barcart split tag.

  • If you’re fulfilling from Shopify, you must enter a tracking number

    • Failing to do enter a tracking number means the customer will not know the status of their shipment and will cause additional work for our support staff.

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